Conditions of admission



Name: LASTUR BOOKIN, S.L. (hereinafter, “the Company”).
TAX ID: B-95.345.989.
Address: Camino de la Ventosa, 46, 1º D, CP 48013, in Bilbao.
Contact telephone number: 944154551.

Tickets shall be deemed to have been sold at the registered office of the company. Buying the ticket means accepting these general terms and conditions (notwithstanding others that may be applicable if the ticket is bought through another platform and/or payment gateway owned by an entity other than the company and/or using any other method or mechanism).


By acquiring and/or holding the tickets, users agree these general terms and conditions in full.


3.1. Admission to the venue requires the exhibition of the ticket or pass, which shall be scanned for verification purposes. Tickets or coupons can be exchanged for a bracelet, card or another mechanism, method or system of admission. A ticket and ID (or equivalent identity document) must be showed to be handed the system of admission. Only one system of admission is given to each person. This mechanism shall not be handed over under any circumstances without being placed on the user’s wrist by the staff of the organisation.

Admission to the festival shall solely take place after reading the ticket or pass and/or displaying the corresponding system of admission.

When the venue is accessed, the ticket or system of admission shall be shown together with ID (or an equivalent identity document). This document must also be shown, if requested, inside the event venue by the organiser or by the security staff of the above.

The ticket, pass and/or the system of admission must be kept in perfect conditions, with no deterioration, to allow admission to the venue. Additionally if at any time during the event it is found that a user does not have the ticket, pass and/or system of admission, security staff may ask this user to prove the system of admission employed. If the user fails to do so, and/or the system of admission is not valid and/or correct, s/he may be removed from the venue.

The system of admission is personal and untransferable.

Where applicable, information shall be provided on the locations and times for the exchange of the tickets and passes for the corresponding system of admission, via the website, social networks and/or the usual communication methods associated to the event.

No access to the venue shall be permitted after 3:00 AM or following the time established for each specific event. After this time, no new admissions shall be permitted and any exits shall be without re-admission into the venue if this is after the time stated.

3.2. Notwithstanding the above, if any cashless payment methods are used, whether or not these are linked to the admission and/or payment system, they must be kept (together with any associated data and information) for the return of the corresponding amounts, where applicable.

3.3. Admission rights are reserved and in the following cases users will be refused admission to or removed from the venue:

  • If the user is not bearing an admission system.
  • If the admission system is incomplete, altered, damaged, deteriorated, broken and/or appears to be false.
  • If the user engages in violent or disruptive behaviour or behaviour publicly inciting hate or violence, or discrimination due to birth, race, gender, religion, opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other condition or social and/or personal circumstances and, in particular, ticket bearers behaving aggressively, violently, disruptively and/or causing disturbances inside the venue, carrying weapons, or objects which can be used as such, and any persons wearing clothes, objects and/or symbols inciting violence or encouraging activities contrary to fundamental rights recognised in the law and the Constitution.
  • If the user appears to be drunk, intoxicated (apparently or potentially), and/or appears to be using or has used drugs and/or narcotic substances.
  • Exercising the right to admission shall not, under any circumstances, involve a refusal of admittance due to birth, gender, religion, opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or any other circumstance or personal or social conditions.
  • Where it can be reasonably presumed that a situation of risk or danger is going to arise for the user itself or for other persons attending.
  • Admittance can be denied or any users can be removed from the venue, in the case of non-compliance with the instructions of the staff of the organisation, and of the persons responsible for the control, surveillance and security at the event.
  • Where there is a violation of the demands and requirements for the admission of minors.

3.4. Upon entering the venue, the audience may be searched according to the Law. Access with objects that can be considered dangerous by persons in charge of access control and security of the event or prohibited under current regulations in force is not permitted.

For security reasons, admission to the venue with motorbike helmets, suitcases, bags and/or large backpacks is not permitted. Admission with smaller bags will be allowed, including handbags and small backpacks (notwithstanding that these items can be examined or checked, as provided under the foregoing paragraph). Other instances of objects that cannot be taken into the venue include: bottles, tins, laser pointers, professional photography or video devices, drones and/or weapons of any description.

3.5. Admission to the venue with food and/or drink from outside is not permitted. However, users with special needs, for health or similar reasons, must justify this in advance to the organisation for it to provide the corresponding instructions.

3.6. There shall be drink water available to users free of charge.

3.7. In any case, users are personally liable for their own actions and the consequences that could arise out of the above.


Buying a ticket involves accepting the following conditions:

4.1. Once the ticket is bought, its amount shall solely be exchanged or cancelled if the event is cancelled. In other cases, no returns shall be accepted (including payments in instalments).

If the event is cancelled, customers can request reimbursement within a term of no more than 15 calendar days from the date cancellation is publicly communicated, as specified. For these purposes, cancellation is regarded as the suspension of more than half of the programme, including cancellation before the event and once the event has started.

The organisation shall not return the distribution costs that may be charged by sales channels, given the fact that the organisation is not, under any circumstances, the provider of the service sold through the sales channel or the recipient of this amount.

The amount of the ticket shall not be returned if the event is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, closures of the Spanish airspace or other force majeure scenarios or similar reasons.

4.2. The organisation reserves the right to change or modify the programme (including its contents and order).

4.3. The organisation does not guarantee the authenticity of the ticket if it has not been acquired at official points of sale. The organisers of the festival shall not be held responsible if a ticket is lost or stolen. The ticket must be kept by the user until the day of the event. The beneficiary of the ticket or person in whose name the ticket is customised undertakes all responsibility if any duplicates, photocopies and/or falsifications of their tickets are presented, and they shall lose all rights to admission to the event afforded by the ticket. Only the first ticket presented shall be valid, following its code is verified. Any other tickers with the same code presented afterwards shall be fully null and void.

4.4. Ticket resales are not permitted.

4.5. Holding the corresponding ticket and/or system of admission does not entitle the user, its holder and/or third parties to use such ticket and/or its content for advertising, marketing or promotional reasons (including competitions, gifts and/or draws).

For events not promoted by the company, the rules laid down by the promoter/organiser of the corresponding event shall prevail, and such party shall be the sole holder of the rights and responsibilities of any such event.


5.1. Admission to the venue cannot be gained by minors under the age of 16, unless they are accompanied by their parents, guardians or the people who are legally responsible for them.

The companion(s) of the minor must show – upon admission into the venue and at any time they are asked to do so within such venue – their ID and family record book or a legal document proving the relationship with the minor and, before that, they must fill in the following form: authorisation .

Foreign nationals must provide the appropriate equivalent documents from their source country.

If the companion is not the father, the mother, the guardian or the legal representative of the minor, a signed authorisation must be presented by the father, the mother, the guardian or the legal representative, together with a copy of the ID of the father, the mother, the guardian or the legal representative and the family record book.

Persons aged over 16 and under 18 can be admitted after their parents, guardians or legal custodians sign the relevant authorisation, filling out the form provided above.

While they are at the venue, the parents or legal guardians shall be responsible for any actions of the minor concerned, and any consequences ensuing. Meanwhile, the father, mother or legal guardian must sign an exemption from liability document, whereby s/he takes responsibility for the minor while s/he is within the venue.

5.2. In addition to the corresponding documents, the parents or legal guardians, and the minor, must have bought the relevant ticket and hold a valid system of admission.

Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in the paragraphs above, minors of the age provided for each specific event can access the event/venue free of charge.

5.3. Current laws in force expressly prohibit the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to persons under the age of 18, and this means that persons under such age will not be able to buy alcohol or cigarettes. Minors must carry their ID at all times.

5.4. The failure to comply with the requirements provided above shall lead to the removal from the venue with no entitlement to any reimbursement of the price paid for the ticket.


Pursuant to the provisions set out under Ley Orgánica 1/1982, de 5 de mayo, sobre protección civil del derecho al honor, a la intimidad personal y familiar y a la propia imagen, [Organic Law 1/1982, of 5 May, on civil protection of the right to honour, personal and family privacy and self-image] you are informed that the admission to the venue and attendance to the event involves the express consent and authorisation to capture, reproduce, distribute and publish your image, including promotional, advertising and/or commercial ends, using any method, including electronic ones. Participants assign the rights to their own image, due to their attendance to the event, permitting the recording of audio-visual materials on any media (including electronic media) and the use, exploitation and dissemination of the above using any image and sound technical reproduction procedure or system of exploitation. This assignment is made to the promoter and to the companies of the LAST TOUR group and to the authorised media and press at the event, and it is free of charge and has no time or territory limit whatsoever.


All image rights and intellectual and industrial property rights relating to the contents of the event are reserved, as are those of the participants and parties attending it.

Save as expressly authorised, you cannot take photographs, film and/or record audio-visual recordings inside the venue and/or of the contents of the event, its participants and the persons attending.

Furthermore, the exploitation of any possible photographs, filming or audio-visual recordings inside the venue and/or of the contents of the event, including the list of participants and persons attending it, is prohibited.


The entire contents and elements comprising admission, the admission system and any documents and/or elements given before the above are handed over, or which are required for their acquisition, and/or associated to the above (including texts and the graphical elements associated to it -design, source code, brands, logotypes, photographs, buttons, colour combinations and, in general, any elements comprising a novel intellectual creation- as well as their presentation, structure, organisation, layout and assembly) are exclusively held by or licensed to the holder and are protected by Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, de 12 de abril, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. [Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, approving the redrafted text of the Intellectual Property Law]. These elements cannot be exploited, reproduced, distributed, amended, publicly communicated, assigned or transformed, unless there is an express authorisation granted by the aforesaid holder(s) of the rights. Acquiring and/or holding the ticket and/or system of admission does not grant users any prerogatives, or any ownership of intellectual or industrial property rights of the elements they encompass.